Yesterday I had a different sort of wedding job.
I know a lot of photographers. I mean a lot. I teach all over the state and speak at the national convention and host the webcast during the International Print Competition. I meet photographers from all over the country
I’m kind of a big deal.
Not really, but I’ve always wanted to say that.
Anyway, I know a lot of photographers so I sometimes find myself shooting a photographer’s wedding or a photographer’s child’s wedding. I’m always a little nervous because photographers are opinionated artists and you don’t want to disappoint. They are also understanding and kind and wonderful to work for… any nervousness is always self-inflicted because they know full-well how you feel and they are all wonderful to me.
So yesterday I was part of a team working for my friend Lissa Hatcher. Lissa’s daughter Jasmine was getting married and she basically had a tag team of photographers (including herself) working the wedding. My job was to shoot the ceremony and a few pictures of the couple after. So it was quick. She had someone else doing groups before the ceremony and someone else at the party.
Let me tell you, having a bride who grew up with a mom who is a photographer is awesome. She totally gets what we do and knows how to make herself look good for the camera without much coaching. It was a real treat. I only got to spend 15 minutes with Jasmine and Daniel but they were great minutes!
I’ll get more images online when they are ready but I wanted to get something up right away and say congratulations!