Having photographed over 500 weddings, many of them on the beach in Clearwater, you can imagine that I’ve seen just about everything there is to see. You would be wrong about that. I’m still surprised by my job and delighted by the things that my couples do during their beach weddings.

Recently I was photographing the wedding of Justin and Dana on the beach and as so often happens, the bride was a little late. One of the reasons I always tell my clients to push everything back 20 minutes is so that we are sure to have time to get all the beautiful sunset wedding pictures that you want, even if there is a delay in getting started. There is often a delay. It’s just the nature of weddings.
So the guests have arrived and we’re all waiting to start when Justin wanders over to me and says, “If you don’t mind, could you maybe take some pictures of the families while we wait?” Well of course I don’t mind so Justin starts to tell people they can get a picture and a line starts to form and we proceed to make great use of a few extra minutes that we have now that we hadn’t planned on. The best part was that everyone had dressed in theme for the beach wedding so UI was able to get a ton of great family portraits for the guests!

Eventually the bride arrived looking amazing and the wedding went off without a hitch. Another great beach wedding!