Headshot Tampa Launches
I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve launched a new website! HeadshotTampa.com is dedicated to helping people get a great business headshot and incredible corporate event photography in Tampa Bay. I’ve had the domain name for years and I’ve always had a website on it but never spent much time trying to optimize it.
Why A New Tampa Headshot Website?
I already have a website for Booray Perry Photography and there’s a section devoted to head shots so why create a new one? I’ve been telling people for years just how important it is to have a good business headshot and it looks like society has begun to listen to all us professional photographers. I’m doing more offices than ever before as companies are realizing how important it is to have a great face attached to their brand. The way you look online is so important.
I also wanted to have a website for business headshots that was all “professional.” I’m very personable on this website because being a wedding photographer means connecting with people but I think when people are looking for a head shot photographer it’s more about business and experience. I wanted a website that reflected that. I’m not sure that someone shopping for images for their law firm would appreciate my zombie apocalypse jokes. :)
It’s the same service and the same image quality no matter if you contact me through this website or through my new one. But now my headshot work gets to be front and center in it’s own space.
So if you need a new headshot, check it out. :)
Want to see more Tampa headshot work? Take a look: head shots here and here and here